“While we understand that this has been a popular idea in some earth societies, even thought as noble or admirable. Someone suffering for the benefit of others can be seen as heroic. But from our point of view, and what your science is now showing, since you are one energy, what you put on yourself is put upon others.

From our perspective, the idea of putting others happiness before your own, while we understand the good intention, can create a conflicting vibration. The thought may be “Them before me” but the vibration is often “I’m less important than others”. This will echo out and create a variety of experiences that will remind you of that.

This is usually not a sustainable vibration as your well being will begin to suffer and create a spiral of personal unhappiness which, as the law of attraction dictates, will continue to reappear again and again in your life sending you further and further away from happiness. This in turn will create a reality you do not enjoy. A vibration that creates a world where some people are more important than others. Where some must suffer for others to find relief.

On the other hand, if your intention is you being happy, that vibration will echo out and create a spiral of personal happiness which, as the law of attraction dictates, will continue to reappear again and again in your life sending you further and further into happiness. This in turn will create a reality you do enjoy. Where your happiness feeds into others and theirs into you.

Remember, you are all unique vibrations of one energy field. There is no real separation between yourself and others. Putting yourself before others is not actuallyputting yourself before others. Your happiness is theirs and theirs is yours. Its the act of making a choice that will affect both you and others equally from a place where you can create change most efficiently. Treat yourself with love and respect and watch love and respect echo out through your world.”


This one took me a sec. A lot of us have kinda been trained to see a world where sacrifices are justified for the greater good. Plus A LOT of my movie heroes sacrifice themselves to save others which goes to show how deep that idea runs. But as we begin to learn about quantum physics and that all things are part of a single field of energy, that doesn’t seem to make sense for some things anymore. If we are truly one energy, it’s time to start behaving that way. We are all equal and if one of us suffers we all do.
