Is hard work the key to change our lives and the world?
“Hard work is the practice of focusing your energy on your outside world instead of your inside. As we have mentioned, the outside world is merely a reflection of your inside world. Of your beliefs. An attempt to change your world from the outside can create a lot of resistance towards your intention. This is where the idea of needing to work hard can appear.
Do you notice that when doing something you enjoy doing seems to happen more easily? Or when it is something you don’t like it seems more difficult? Or that time spent on such things goes by more quickly while time spent on things you do not enjoy seems to move far more slowly? This is the effect of resistance.
While hard work can carry with it excellent lessons such as patience or focus, hard work only actually ever works because, once an individual begins to truly believe they’ve done enough hard work to achieve a goal, that belief manifests the outcome. The belief that difficulty or resistance needs to be overcome creates the very difficulty and resistance they believe they have to overcome. There is a phenomenon where a person may be working hard to create something but only once they decide it is too difficult a task and quit, does opportunity suddenly appear. This is because the idea of quitting suddenly drops the resistance they created and their intention suddenly has nothing slowing it down and it begins to show up in their outside world.
We would encourage you to change yourself in the way you want the world to change. If you want world peace, become more peaceful yourself. If you want a less judgmental planet, judge situations and others less. If you want to heal the environment, take steps to heal yourself.
Working hard requires resistance. Find what is ‘hard work’ in your life then find what beliefs you hold that make it such a challenge and change them. Change your beliefs so you can focus on what excites you and watch the signs of what you want to have change begin to appear seemingly without any effort at all.”